Mother’sjoy UIF Claims. Agent designed to help you claim your UIF with no hassles.
A brief summary of our service
- We will provide and help you to complete the correct UIF forms as required by the labour department.
- We will submit UIF forms to labour dept on your behalf.
- UIF will be paid directly into your nominated account.
- We will do all the necessary follow up regarding your UIF submission to labour dept.
- We DO NOT help you collect UIF documents from your employer
- We only accept applications from applicants who holds a South African bar coded ID/ID Card
- WE DO NOT process your UIF, it is the duty of the Dept to process all UIF claims, therefore the time frame to process your claim is determined by the labour department and its due to change without notice.
Services offered
Maternity UIF
R800 deposit
R800 once the claim has been approved.
Total payable R1600
R1600 once-off payable upfront ( if you baby is older than 4 month)
R950 Deposit
R950 once the claim is approved.
R950 Deposit
R950 once the claim is approved.
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Do you need help to Claim your UIF? Let us assist you obtain your Funds from UIF
We offer a nationwide service. All you need is accessible email account
Mother’sjoy UIF Claims is an agent designed to help you claim your UIF with no hassles. We have helped thousands of moms since 2007
Mother'sjoy UIF Claims will help you to complete the required forms and submit them to Labour dept on your behalf .
We will assist you in claiming Maternity UIF , Illness UIF, Normal Unemployment UIF or Retirement and registration
Mother’sjoy UIF Claims Reg No: 2007/099348/23 is an agent designed to assist you claim your UIF benefits form the Department of labour . After battling with UIF claims, we came to realize that most people find it difficult to go and wait long queues at the UIF offices . They end up not claiming their benefits due to time constraints and that result in financial stress. .
Mother’sjoy take the stress away from you; by submitting all the relevant forms to the Department of Labour on your behalf and make sure that money is deposited into your nominated bank account every month for the duration you are on leave
Mother'sjoy appeared on the UIF awareness campaign on SABC1 program called "Yilungelo Lakho" {Its your right}, an awareness campaign to help people know their rights to claim UIF. Mother'sjoy issued articles about UIF on different magazines .e.g. Clicks ,Dischem and pregnancy magazines.
Mothersjoy UIF Claims is NOT the department of Labour, we act as a middle man between the Department of labour and the applicant .The labour Department still make a final decision on your application including the time frame it will take to process your application. |